Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Words of the day for danny... yay

Eminence (n)
My eminence was noticed world wide when i got my own television show.

Avouch (v)
I avouch jr to wait for me to do these words of the day.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

words of the day...danny

Cloistered (adj)
Sometimes the most cloistered children are the ones who experience the mosts

Equivocater (n)
I am the equivocater between my parents.

Friday, January 22, 2010

words of the day, friday

Avarice (N)
my avarice was fulfilled when i won the lottery

Avaunt (V)
I would like it very much if Anna were to avaunt from my life...

Posterity (N)
my posterity will all be Banquo

Homage (N)
the homage given to me and my basketball team shows as a trophy laying in the school.